“I am passionate about creating expressive art that gives voice to my subject matter.
Working with colour energizes me.
I strive to captivate the viewer with interesting compositions. My goal is to encourage the eye to travel within the space of the canvas and to wonder what might exist beyond.”
-Tricia Edgar
About the Artist -Tricia Edgar
I am grateful to say, my career as a working visual artist has been incredibly diverse.
As with most artists, a curiosity to make art and try to capture the natural world around began at a young age.
(Thanks to my mom for saving, Momma Robin on Her Nest, Kindergarten art, see below)
I grew up in rural Southern Ontario with the closest small town being Port Dover. As a teenager I began my own t-shirt designing and selling business. I created dozens of silkscreened designs and hand-painted 100’s of shirts selling in stores and venues. The most exciting and successful “shirt-hocking” event for me, was Friday the 13th, Port Dover. I designed and sold thousands of shirts and other items for 15 years at this infamous home-town event.
I’ve never been a biker, but being a vendor at Friday the 13 was tops!
Exposure at Friday the 13th led me to the opportunity of designing Harley Davidson shirts for the Niagara Falls dealership.
During this early time of my art career journey, I completed a Degree in Fine Art and Diploma in Graphic Design and Advertising
… My 20’s… Friends, Education and Hocking Shirts… great memories!
Then came marriage, raising kids, freelance illustration, still more t-shirt designing.
It was then that a new career direction started to evolve… Art Education.
It started by developing and teaching Art Camps and Workshops for Kids.
Teaching art… now this is where I started to feel a new passion and fulfillment.
Eventually, I went back to UWO in my mid 40’s and obtained my BA in Education.
Currently, I’m living my creative dream…combining my love to Teach with being a Professional Artist.
I have absolutely loved being an Artist on the London Artists Studio Tour in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
I have a new studio space in my home with lots of space to further my skills in drawing, painting and collage.
I invite you to drop by my studio and discover my bright and happy-messy-art-making-space!

Showings, Art Educator and other Art Related Work in My Community of London, Ontario
Artist on London Artists Studio Tour, 2021 and 2022 and 2023
Occasional Teacher, currently in highschools in TVDSB
Art Educator, BELONG Community program for youth, LAC
Artist Roster: London Arts Council, current
Programs include: AECE Artist (Art Education in Classroom Experience)
LAL Artist (London Arts Live)
Healing Through the Arts and Connecting Through Art and Dementia Care, Mc Cormick Home, London
En Plein Air Painting in Downtown London
Live On-Line Creativity Series during the Pandemic
Graphic Recording at Conferences, Kings College, Pillar Foundation and Public Debate Series at Wolfe Hall
Numerous Collaborative Projects with fellow visual artist, Sheri Cowan, Some of these projects include:
Together for the Thames, focused on capturing the energy and life of the River with the richness of history and layers of time while existing within
the city of London and beyond. This large 3 panel piece hangs in the London Arts Council building on Dundas St., London
Collaborative Panels for Positive Change, Pillar Foundation and Kings College Conference, 2017 hanging at Innovation Works, King St. London
Love Our Lakes Series, TVDSB Board Office, Dundas St., London, 2018
Illustrative Map of the Thames River, London and Middlesex Libraries, 1997-present